When a specific muscle is weak you can do exercise to make it stronger. the same is true for your brain.

Mindfulness (which includes, but is not limited to, meditation) is awesome.

The science says so. History says so. And I say so.

The potential benefits are vast but the top of the pops for ADHD for me are:

Self compassion and our relationship with our (many) thoughts, and managing stress, overwhelm and focus.

All of which are game changers for the ADHD brain.

However I can hear you from here saying


And here we find the problem… the many bullsh!t misconceptions.

It is NOT about

emptying your mind!!

In fact it isn’t all silence and rainbows either.

So when you say “I CAN’T MEDITATE” let’s change that to “I CAN’T MEDITATE, YET”.

Because we will.

You will.

as adhders we might need a little helping hand

(As my friend Ellie Middleton said to me: mindfulness for when your mind is a full mess).

So, here I enter stage left, to teach, support, and encourage you.

As well as being honest and sharing my story.

Because I am a mindfulness teacher and I have ADHD and I am human.

I get it.

What you need is… FUNFULNESS!

The course is capped so that we have a small and personal group and the sessions are bite sized over each week to keep you engaged.

8 weeks to create a new habit and meet new friends

Studies have shown that mindfulness / meditation can improve symptoms of adhd.

Let’s get to thickening that pre-frontal cortex and creating new connections in the brain!

I have had the privilege of delivering my course to many different people and each and every time I am in awe, witnessing new habits being formed, connections being made, and mindsets shifting.

But most of all the best thing I do is help people to GRAB LIFE BY THE TITS!!!!!

If you're considering Amy's

programme either personally

or for part of your own group,

I would recommend it.

- Dr marianne trent (psychologist)