What is positivity? A quick reminder.
If you look it up in the dictionary it says: “The practice of being, or tendency to be, positive or optimistic in attitude”.
Nicely put to be fair – let’s break it down.
The practice
Ah yes, practice. Practice makes perfect, to practice makes a habit. Living a positive life cannot be a one off, it needs to be consistent. It needs to become your best habit. Think of it like this: if you were trying to be the best runner, the best actor, the best footballer, you would have to practice. Why wouldn’t you put this amount of effort into the most important thing, your life?
I know I go on about this a lot, but being really is more important than doing. We are human beings not human doings. If you can just be, even for only a few minutes each day, you will start to connect more with yourself. You will start to put less emphasis on the doing, and those external factors that you cannot control, and more emphasis on how you think and feel.
Attitude is the final key part. Positivity is a choice you make. You choose the attitude with which you approach life, each event, each task, each annoying crappy thing that happens. Once you let go of trying to control the “stuff” and focus more on how you approach things, you will start to realise that no matter what you are faced with, you can choose an attitude of positivity and love. Even in the darkest of times there is always something to be grateful for.
I promise you, no matter how difficult it may seem sometimes (I know some people are naturally more positive than others) you can do it. Choose to focus on the positive and make sure you play back your life story to yourself in a positive way rather than a negative one. Life is beautiful, life is a gift, and life is for living.