Natural skincare for you and your little ones (what to look out for)

Being a mama-to-be I kept reading about how delicate, sensitive and absorbent my babies skin will be. After the 4 weeks of washing with plain water, what was I going to do? I am horrified to find out that some baby products labelled as "natural" can be far from it. And don't forget, your skin, and that of your children, is just as precious. So....... I asked the wonderful Bridget-Jane, who has researched this way more than me, to give me the low down on what to look out for.

Bridget-Jane writes:

I drive my husband crazy reading labels and researching ingredients that neither of us can pronounce. But, if we want to make an effort to reduce our toxic load to reach optimal health, then being mindful of what we are putting all over the biggest organ of our body is just as important as being mindful of what we eat.

Fortunately nowadays there is much more of an awareness around the hormone disrupting, organ damaging, allergy triggering, down right dangerous ingredients used abundantly in mainstream cosmetics and skin ‘care’. But incase this is news to you, let’s do a basic run down of a few of the ingredients to avoid like the plague.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and/or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

Found in your shampoos, soaps, cleansers, toothpaste and all your ‘foamy’ products. Not only used in households but the SAME ingredient can be found in industrial strength cleaners or being used by your local mechanic to degrease your car engine.

SLS can not only dry out an irritate your skin it has been said to be a possible contribute towards organ, reproductive and developmental toxicity.


Parabens hide under many labels ("ethyl," "butyl," "methyl," "propyl" ).

These are synthetic preservatives that help your products survive and stay ‘fresh’ for months maybe even years! It has been suggested that parabens can decrease sperm levels and can mimic hormones in the body disrupting the endocrine system.


Phthalates are chemicals added to plastics to increase their flexibility and longevity and yep, you guess it, they’re found in makeup, perfumes, liquid soap, conditioner, shampoos, deodorant. Phthalates are used in many cosmetics because they cling to the skin and help them stay on for longer. But because they have been shown to have the potential to damage lungs, kidneys, liver and the reproductive system, they’re really not that pretty!


Found in almost everything. They loophole here is that companies don’t have to list the ingredients in their ‘fragrance’ or ‘perfume’ because it can be considered a ‘company secret’. So this one ingredient is more often than not a carcinogenic cocktail.


Found in makeup, nail polish, anti perspirant deodorant, liquid baby soap. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and American Cancer Society ( just to name a couple ) has classified Formaldehyde as a recognised carcinogen. What does this mean? A carcinogen is by definition: Substance that causes or aggravates tumors or other types of cancer.

Now these 5 ingredients I have mentioned do not even scratch the surface when it comes to toxic chemicals we could be putting on our skin everyday. However, it gives you an idea about the danger of not being aware what we are putting on ours and our families’ skin.

Many ‘leading’ brands in ‘natural’ skincare are not as natural as one would hope. Now I am certainly no expert (the subject matter is massive) but low toxic and natural skin care is something I have been researching for the last couple of years, and in my opinion there is a big difference between 100% natural and naturally derived.

From what I have found ‘natural’ regulations vary all over the place and just because it says natural on the packaging it is often far from it. Due to the increase in the demand for natural products, companies manipulate the language used on the packaging making it look like it was made in nature when really it was made by a man in a white lab coat. Making it even more important to put our health in our own hands and do our own research rather than rely on sneaky marketing tactics.

Many ‘natural’ ingredients are actually naturally derived. Meaning it is possible that an ingredient that came from nature was used to synthetically produce a by-product of the original ingredient. So while the original ingredient was indeed from mother nature, it becomes a biochemically altered, artificial, man made ingredient.

Not ALL naturally derived ingredients that come out of a lab are harmful but again, it is something to be aware of so you can make an informed decision.

Cetearyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, linalool, limonene, potassium sorbate, citral are just a handful of ingredients commonly found in natural products that I choose to stay away from.

Like anything health and wellness, opinions and choices will vary a lot. What I feel comfortable putting on my skin for the sake of my health will be different to the next person. I recommend doing your own research and finding low toxic brands and ingredients that YOU trust and feel happy incorporating into your families’ skincare routine.

This is not an exhaustive list, and we didn't want to negatively call out any brands, so please do follow this up with checking ingredients yourself. We did look into a few specific products and are pleased to say yes to Water Wipes - does what it says on the packet!

Thank you so much for reading, lots of love as always.

Bridget-Jane is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Self Development Writer and Reiki Practitioner. She is a nature lover, travel junkie and manifestation expert who is passionate about all things mind/body connection, natural health, soulful living and living a mindful, non-toxic lifestyle.

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