Nothing is perfect (even mindfulness)

Mindfulness, self-care, being present, taking time and even life, isn't perfect.

Some days might just be bad days.

Never feel guilty.

There is no right way.

Two minutes can make a difference.

I am well practiced in mindfulness and self-care and I like to think I do it well, however, some days I say sh*t and f*ck and I don't take my own advice. Because, guess what, I am human. Some days I may not have the energy or the inclination to do what would be best for me. And that's ok. Some days are just bad days and the trick is to actually recognise when this has happened, and don't let it snowball to the next day and the next day.

Most importantly, don't feel guilty. Do not beat yourself up about it. And don't allow others to make you feel guilty either. You may have snapped at someone, you may have thrown your to-do list to the wind, you may have cried, you may not have bathed the kids, your house may look like a tip (and not like the ones you see on Instagram), or you may have let your self-care practice go out the window. But tomorrow is a new day. And you can start a fresh.

Mindfulness is not a constant state of calmness or stillness, in fact it is the acceptance of the imperfections, unpredictability and uncertainties of life that can positively affect our well-being. It helps us to be aware of where our attention is going and what choices we are making throughout the day, but it will not, and cannot, be 100% of the time, because we will always get distracted by our own mind.

The main thing to remember is that every little helps, just two minutes can make a difference. Deep breathing. Some time-out. Recognising your mind in over-drive and acknowledging it.

Take two or three minutes to take a step back, breath deeply and focus on your breath only - and if you are having a crazy busy day this may just have to be when you are on the loo!!!! Wherever you could find a little slice of peace.

Another thing I like to do is listen to some calming music, if I am having a particularly testing day, due to a person or situation, I will sit at my desk and pop my headphones in and listen to something (Aad Guray Nameh - Jai-Jagdeesh) whilst allowing myself to breathe deeply and get lost in the music just for those few minutes, it really does work wonders.

Something else you might like to do is go for a walk, if you can, to remove yourself and get your body moving.

Over time you will learn what works best for you.

If you want to talk further about anything in this blog come and find me on Instagram and send me a message: